Friday 28 November 2014

£60,000 Bracelet

So may be if your are a guy with some saved amount of £60,000 and you are not planning to buy expensive cars or home and pondering to spend it on accessories so here comes a bracelet worth wearing. The price tags is not because its dipped in luxury stones and perfectly carved its the inner part that matters. Answer lies in its name Senturion Meteorite, yes its a bracelet made from 4 billion years old meteorite.

Containing Widmanstatten patterns(these are fine,interweaving bands of metallic elements) lifted from this meteorite and while there are 500 iterations of the bracelet being made, the etch on each unique (and cannot be replicated on Earth) due to millions of years of slow cooling at below zero temperature in space. Apart from just bragging about its high price its also couples with latest technology.
The RFID being embedded in bracelet help to bring coordination in your Bentley garage, diamond vaults and home security system

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