Thursday 4 December 2014

Marco-the Cleverest Digital Pet (concept) that loves you!!

Have you ever thought to Google the stuffs lost in real? Marco does that for you, it keeps in mind the position of every single thing in the room where it was lastly seen. Let’s play a game with Marco (your digital pet) make it scan your wallet and then ask him where it was. Marco is going to lead you that way and will point to the correct position by a laser beam. So with Marco in your home you need not to remember everything.
  •        Motion User interface does more than words

      Because of the sensors Marco loves to express his love for you by some cute movements. It also alerts you about the notifications and responds accordingly. The master piece is capable of recognizing gestures and voice commands.Marco makes 360 degree moments because of its inbuilt self-balancing system.For instance you are back at home after long time Marco will welcome your warmly with warm gestures. 
  • Monitor your house in your absence. It’s possible to see your room through Marco with your smart phone whenever you want. The technology allows it to answer your questions i.e. “is the door locked of the home” or “did I turned off the lights before leaving”
  • Mood Swings

  • What cannot be done with a remote control Marco?
  • Components

Such a machine can even be customized and made to do other features by installing character and skills apps

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