Sunday 7 December 2014

Predict Future your future with Smart Device Concept

Even after many advancement in the fields of future predictions and horoscopes still there are people who don't believe in them. But for those who do believe here comes a smart concept device predicting what comes next. It might not tell exactly whats going to happen but at least would give your an idea.
Consisting of two parts;

  1. One device part; the application that collects the data about the person, his behavior, mood swings, nature and the environment he lives in.  
  2. The other part processes the information gathered and provides options what to do. Intuitive interfaces does the actual management which are projected into various surfaces using a bracelet or a projector.
Computer Scientists helped the device by programming it with comprehensive algorithms and coding to compute the information received and predict accordingly. Since mostly it gathers the information of the person so the predictions are relevant to various spheres of life: love, friendship, career
As a matter of fact it seems quite possible as to predict the future using the persons nature, attitude and the conditions he is living in. In some cases the critics says collecting the data about the blood pressure, sensory nerve, anxiety level, brain functions is enables this Smart Device to come into its existence soon. 

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