Tuesday 2 December 2014

Touch your skin Gadget !!

·         Cicret Bracelet idea is on its way to project images on your skin because using screens for touch is too main stream now. Fear of screen being scratched or broken is no longer there if you have your Cicret bracelet on your wrist. This cool gadget displays your smart phone content on your skin
  • Isn't is Cool ?

It just not takes a steps further towards technology but also a smart cool looks to your personality and wearing it is of course going to be a great experience. Stay updated to grab your 

  •          How it really works

It’s a device that projects the applications on your skin making it easy to use an app without holding any gadget. Proximity is enhanced with 8 long range sensors that sense your finger movement and sends the signals to the bracelet for processing.

  •         Components

  1.  Accelerometer
  2.   Memory car
  3. Vibrator
  4. Pico projector
  5. Proximity long range sensor
  6. Blue tooth low energy
  7. Wifi component
  8. Micro USB port
  9. Battery
  10. LED
  11. Snap button

  •          Is the future on your wrist?

Once the pledge of the company is over in Indiegogo they are expecting to sell the bracelets form a range of $600-$700 but still many people are waiting for the critics to jump in and analyses the scope of the Cicret Bracelet.

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